The North East is scattered with small and medium size businesses, some of which has become consolidated realities nationally and internationally, expressing a dinamism unparalled in our country.
These businesses operate, now, in a global market where it has become essential the help of a qualified legal guide, especially in international trade.
There is a need, therefore, for an encompassing level of competency and responsibility that provides warranties to the businessmen who must face the challenges of globalization.
The following list enumerates the most relevant areas of law and activities that compose the know-how of the Firm.
- Contracts:
- International Trade
- Agency and Distribution
- Joint-Venture
- Intellectual Property, Patents and Trademarks
- Banking, Corporate and Finance Law
- A.D.R. (Arbitration, Mediation and Fast Arbitration)
- Trusts
- National and International Debt Collection
- Corporate and Commercial Law
- Real Estate U.S.A.